After our wonderful side trip to Vienna, we boarded our flight headed to Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C. It was over a 10 hour flight, and since it was a day flight, even though I was exhausted, I got absolutely no sleep. I read a book on my Kindle Fire, watched two movies, Big (with Tom Hanks, an oldie but definitely a goodie!) and Playing for Keeps with Gerard Butler. I had actually already seen it, but not much else caught my eye. I had some great food and a glass of wine with my dinner. Austrian Airlines provided a pillow and a blanket, and yes, I even USED the blanket, as the flight was quite chilly. The flight was long and I was continually checking the on flight program that would show where our airplane was in relation to where we took off and where

we were going. It is so interesting to me to check that out. We flew over England, and into the Atlantic Ocean, and then over Greenland (which was totally covered with ice), and then through Canada and down to D.C. Our landing was on time, and we had no jaunt planned for D.C, but even if we did we probably would have cancelled it as Niecy and me were both already pooped. When we exited the plane we were loaded into this type of transit vehicle which looked like a cross between a garbage truck, an armoured car, and something from a science fiction movie. The hostages (us) were then taken to the U.S. Customs check in, where we had to claim any and all items purchased abroad. It was an incredibly quick process, and we were OK'd for passage back into the United States of America... we then had to pick up the luggage we had checked on in Skopje, and transfer it to the United Airlines connecting flight. Both Niecy and I were sweating it, because our bags were like 10 pounds overweight! (OK, MINE was 10 pounds, Niecy's was just 5)... and we were worried that we would either have to figure out where to put all that extra weight, or pay bucks to accommodate it, but we were lucky and just had to throw our bags onto the conveyor belt, and neither were weighed. Yea. (A side note, we were so lucky in Skopje when we checked in our bags, because Tanja knew someone who worked at the airport (imagine that!) and he got his boss to override our weight excess with no problems!) Thus our longest day continues... Niecy and I then had to go check in with the United Airlines counter and get out boarding passes. No luck here, as we were both put in rows that were miles apart. Oh

well. The next item was finding some food (of course). We knew we had a plethora of time, so began walking through the many different terminals there and ended up at a Gordon Biersch restaurant. The place was extremely crowded and it didn't look like we would find a seat, but the bartender, noticing our plight, came to the rescue and asked one patron to move down so Niecy and I could get a seat together.We both ordered burgers (burgers for our last meal before we left for Macedonia and burgers for our first meal home) and fries. We sat there for probably and hour and a half or so, making small talk with our neighbors. One guy (a Marine who works at the US Embassy in Dubai)was headed back home and had some interesting stories to tell us about that area of Europe. After we finished there, we went to wait at our gate. Niecy needed a plug to charge one of her many electronic devices, and she found us a little corner to hang out in until our 7 pm flight... strike that... 8 pm flight... strike that again... 8:30 flight... there was some problems with our connecting flight

that was coming in from Texas, and our day just keep getting longer, and longer, and longer... (here is a lovely picture of Niecy and me trying to get some shut eye on the floor at the aiirport). We finally boarded, but this 5 hour flight seemed to be longer than the 10 hour flight. It was getting dark, and we were actually chasing the sunset because we were going from East Coast to West Coast, but still could not sleep. I was dead dog tired, but just could not get comfortable. Oh well. FINALLY arrived back in Phoenix at about 10:30 p.m. Arizona time (which was 7:30 a.m. Macedonia time!)... 28 hours of travel time. David (my hubby) and Micah (Niecy's guy) were there with open arms to welcome us home. Finally... the end of the longest day.