After the school for the blind Tanja picked us up and she had a meeting to go to so she dropped us off at the Skopje Zoo for a bit. Niecy had already been to the zoo once so she walked with me for a bit, but seeing as she was in heels, she walked only a short while and then left me to my own... The zoo was amazing in that I have NEVER been so close to any of these animals before! I got some great shots of a wide variety of animals until my camera DIED before I was even half way through the zoo! So, you see what you see and that's all there is to it. While at the Skopje Zoo I saw an eclectic mix of animals from all over the world. Some had great enclosures that were a natural representation of the habitat and the animals seemed very at ease and content in their homes. But I have to say that

I was a bit sad for some of the animals in that their enclosures seemed small and they seemed discontented in their surroundings.
But I heard the zoo is, and has been, under renovations and I am glad that the city is trying to find a way to keep

these amazing animals close for the public to view while also allowing some roomier habitats from which the animals are more comfortable to navigate in their natural surroundings. Tanja picked us up at just after 1 pm and took us off to lunch at a delicious Serbian restaurant called Roulette...
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