Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dancing All Night

OK, did I make reference to DANCING ALL NIGHT?  Well, that is exactly what we did!  We got dressed up nicely and headed to the wedding of one of Toni's relatives.  Toni's mom and dad went with us.  The wedding reception place was a very nice restaurant that was reserved just for the wedding party and guests.  As we arrived, each guest and their party were photographed with the bride and groom, and later that same evening would receive the photos and the opportunity to purchase them.  What a great idea!  As we entered we were seated at our table and our first course was already waiting. Fresh makings for a green salad, and a plate with cheeses and meats.  Also, the famous Macedonian whiskey was there for us, as well.  Soon after, the bride and groom made their grand entrance and a song began and they started to dance.  But, to my surprise, all of the guests were making their way to the floor as well!
The tradition is for ALL to join in with the married couple on their first dance, so Toni and I hit the floor!  It was not the traditional folk dance yet, that was to come soon.  I was greeted by and met so many wonderful people, I felt very welcomed.  More food, more music (a VERY eclectic mix of music, much of it American, from the 70's until current!).  And Tanja knew ALL of them and sang along!  Oh ya, the dancing...  I was invited to join in on the first folk song that came on, and was drawn in to the moving line of people... I quickly had to learn the steps,which are not hard and repeat over and over.  And there is no such thing as one song...  they just continue without ceasing, and people just dance and dance and dance. What a wonderful time!  Here is the only photo I took all night!  I should have had a picture of ME taken dancing!  Next time!  Between each dance set we were served another course of amazing food.  Dancing, eating, drinking, dancing, eating, drinking...  it continued until we left which was not until after midnight!  I am so glad I am not teaching tomorrow!  Hang in there Tanja!

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