Friday, May 31, 2013

Tour of Macedonia

We began today back in the school Koco Racin, observing the English first grade classrooms that were unavailable yesterday due to testing.  Jasmine was our English teacher accomplice today.  The classes we viewed were wonderful and we left feeling blessed that we were able to spend another day with some primary students.
 After that Tanja picked up me and Niecy and we went to add Sarah to our mix.  Tanja drove us downtown to meet up with a former student of hers, who was a tour guide.  We began our tour at the Fortress, a rebuilt fort where, after the first fortress was destroyed, pieces of the ruins were moved to the top of the high hill that overlooked the city, and was a much more secure area by which to guard and protect it.  Our tour guide, Demiter,  was extremely knowledgeable about the country of Macedonia, the city of Skopje, and its ancient and current historical facts.

We walked down the hill to a mosque, complete with a spire.  This mosque had been partially destroyed in an earthquake, but rebuilt and reinforced, and is still used extensively today.   There were many, many interesting buildings, and here is pictured a unique, but very beautiful door that I found.  I remember finding a unique door when I was in Germany, so this will just be added as something that intrigued me along the way.  I took so very many pictures today but will share only my favorite ones.
There are many new monuments and statues and renovation that is occurring all around the city of Skope, due to the Macedonia 2014 project.  The city is proud of its heritage and all of its history, and wants the story to be told not only in books, but visually all around the city as well, thus the project.
We were taken to the open air market, or Bazaar, where there were shops for anything you could ever imagine!  Gold, silver, jewels, fresh food, belts, zippers, clothing, toys, spices, personal items, men's wear, women's wear, baby items, and the list goes on and on.  After leaving the old Macedonia market, we crossed the
oldest stone bridge in Skopje, and walked over to the newer side of the city.  We
walked through the central square, and on to an area with a beautiful monument names "Immortalis", which was built to depict the welcoming of the heroes who fought for Macedonia, into the gates of heaven and ultimate victory.  Also shown is a beautiful statue where men are gathered around, arm in arm, to protect the falling of Macedonia in 1903 (I will have to double check my dates/facts).  Just an amazing tour of a beautiful and proud city, and a plethora of information in its fight, and ultimate success in becoming a free, democratic country.

Tanja picked us up after the tour, and we went home to change for our important visit with the Major (Mayor) of Macedonia.  We all dressed up nicely, and took gifts for the wonderful Macedonia coordinator for the teacher exchange, Meri K., and gifts for the esteemed Major, as well.  Our visit was scheduled for 4:30, but as with most any public official, they are busy, and, understandably,
circumstances made us wait for a bit.  After we were admitted, we were admitted to the office, and met by the Major.  We all sat around a conference table, and, with the assistance of an interpreter, were warmly welcomed to the city of Skopje, and the country of Macedonia.  We discussed our visit so far, and the Major gave us a passionate dialogue about the importance of the city's renovation, and his greatest hope for the future of his wonderful city, and country.  It was a great honor to meet, and be met by the Major.  We wish him continued success with his endeavors. I was unable to take any photos of this meeting, but a professional photographer was present, and took some that will be posted on the website of the Skope government.  There should be one article in Macedonian, and another in English.

After our visit, Ana, Niecy's host teacher, offered to take us into the city and get some dinner with us. Being as we were all hungry, we agreed...  "Yas soom gladna!"  (I am hungry!)  lol.  Aren't I ALWAYS!  :)   Anyway, she took us to a place to get some kebab.  OK, I was thinking like a shish ka bob, but no, that was not it.  What it WAS, was some delicious meat, about the size of a breakfast sausage, served with a grilled pepper (hot!), and some white onions.  We ordered exactly what Ana had ordered (yes, we totally trusted her!), and that included a fresh salad of tomato and cucumber.  After eating the delicious meal and talking about all different things, we were taken back home to our respective homes.  What a wonderfully, informative day, and terrific end to our week!

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