Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Day Before...

Yep...  it's happening again!  It is the day before I leave on my next adventure with Tempe Sister Cities, and... yes...  it was another CRAZY "day before!"  I already got "beautiful" earlier in the week, with my pedi, mani, and hair, but definitely had more stuff to get done today.  I started off the day at school (WAY ahead of where I was last time!) and was out of there by 10.  Then got a little time in the sun and then even had time for a power nap.
 I had to go by Target AGAIN, because the first dual voltage hair straightener did not work, and I had to go exchange it! (this may not seem important, but this was one of my most stressed about items.  Dual voltage means that the appliance is able to handle the different systems of electricity WITHOUT burning out your appliances!  I read many a horror story when I Googled it!) I found a great dual voltage hair dryer made by Conair, and a straightener made by Revlon.  On the dryer I actually had to manually change a dial but the straightener was automatic.  I just had to bring my plug adapter to fit into the European sockets.  But, I was packed enough to be able to meet Linda P. for a glass of wine and pick up the gifts for the mayor and other prominent people in Skopje!  It is now almost 11 pm, and I am packed, and have weighed my luggage at least 10 times, but am all set!  Wow...  I can't believe that in about 9 hours I will be on my way to the other side of the world, and off on a new adventure.  Well...  I am ready... are YOU!?!?

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